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I'm not sure if this is different enough from what you are suggesting for me to start a new post or however it works, but I really like your idea as well. I imagine a commercial showing situations like I have described above and introducing group queue as the solution. If this was something that was developed and polished up nice I could see some very good spotify marketing campaigns advertising the feature.

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Almost like having a dynamic changing radio station that you can listen to with your friends. This would allow everyone to have a say in what music is being played at a get together, party, car ride etc. You would retain certain amounts of control of the queue that the others would not, ie skipping songs, removing songs from other users etc. Head can qltyecyapzxh 3000K on jqbx qbh to direction wall and Good. Or maybe there would be a button "Start Group Queue" "Allow: Approved Friends, Friends, or Public" or something along those lines. Pool First Holy Communion Banner Decoration Garlands Decorative Banners Cosmetic. I would love to see a feature that allows say "approved friends" to add music to your active queue. To solve this and potentially add some interesting social uses to the app I imagine something called group queue.


Have you ever had friends over and people are constantly bugging you to queue up the songs they want to hear? Been in the car and your friends want to keep suggesting music and you have to continually hand them your phone while you're driving and recite your password to them for the 1000th time? I think this a great idea and related to an idea I've had for good while about group queues. The mentioned article perfectly explains the concept and benefits of this feature, please check it out! An upvote/downvote function would keep rooms democratic and true to their respective themes. You could create rooms based on genres or moods, and enjoy music together with friends and strangers alike. I've been hoping to have some social aspect like this within Spotify, and I think this would enrich the community even further. but right inside Spotify!Ĭheck out this Medium article by Austin Condiff I found today, detailing this concept (following mockup taken from that article). The friend feed on the right side turns into a chatbox, and you can communicate and talk about music while listening to the same tracks. You can step up and join the DJ queue, and all DJs in the room play one track, one after another. Imagine having "rooms" within Spotify, where you can listen together, simultaneously, to the same track with everybody else in the room, no matter where in the world they are, and no matter what device they're using. I know this idea has been brought up before, but all those ideas were several years ago by now, and I couldn't find a recent discussion about this.

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